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Thursday, April 30, 2009 • 4:37 AM

Went to Claire's birthday party on 24 April 09.
(sorry I dint post it earlier. No time larh..)
Anyway, On Friday after school at 12.30pm, we went to the school toilet to change our clothes cuz we dint wan to wear our school uniform mah..
Den after we changed, carried our school bags and walked towards the reception area.
Oh ya, forgot to tell you who came along..
Other than Claire and I, Carmen, Shanice, SzeLei and Hilda came too.
Den we saw Mrs Ho's car den we fled out of tha school..
Dunno which way to go cuz all the school buses so in the way wan den by den, Mrs Ho and her car came out of the school and we like.. SCREAMED?
Mrs Ho wind down her car screen and den Carmen Smart Alec go ask Mrs Ho to give us a lift to the Bedok Bus Interchange.
Mrs Ho was like asking us where we going den we say to eat lunch first(cuz Claire invited Mrs Ho to her party too..).
Mrs Ho was like Yah larh, Where?
And I told her say Bedok Bus interchange to hav MCs for Lunch.
Den guess wat happened?
Mrs Ho ask us to get into her car and she fetch us there..!
So we practically JUMPED into her car as fast as we could but cannot fit SzeLei in becuz all our bags so FAT.
6 of us u noe and den behind Mrs Ho's car already got School Bus waiting to go out of the school gate but her car was like blocking the way and we panicked so we could not stay calm and szelei could not get in..
When SL managed to squeeze into the car, another problem started..
The car door cannot close.
Dat was like the funniest thing dat happened larh.
Den finally after SO LONG, she managed to close the car door..
U noe YiChen and JiaXing were like standing there waiting for Taxi and was like SHOCKED when she saw as scrambling into Mrs Ho's car.
Do u noe dat we were supposed to meet Cheryl and Yi Hsuan at the Bus stop outside the school so dat we can go together, but we so totally 4got bout that and I only remembered when we were already in M.H's car. At least I remembered lorh. The rest dint even bother to remember..
So I had to call Cheryl and tell her dat we JUMPED into M.H's car by accident and forgot bout them and I had to tell them to go there themselves.. I felt so guilty..
Den M.H alighted us at MCs and we had lunch there and during my delicious lunch, Cheryl called me at least TWO times to ask where Claire's house is and where were we.
Soon we walked to the MRT station and took the train to the next station.
When we alighted, we took the escalator down and right at that moment when I stepped out of the escalator, Cheryl called AGAIN. And as soon as I picked up the phone, (cuz i was using earpiece, listening to music mah..)I saw her, Yi Hsuan, Joanne and SiYean just outside the entrance where you tap ur card to go in, and I was like Harlo? I see you liao. Goodbye.
Den we made our way to the Bus Stop to wait for bus 42. But we dint take the bus cuz Claire called her two uncles to drive their car each to fetch us. And I was like Omigosh. did she just call for her two uncles to come wif their car to fetch us?! Soon, her two uncles came wif their cars and one car was much smaller so the 'small size' people like me, Claire, Shanice and Sze Lei went in that car and the rest of the 'not small size' people went in the other car. The other car was like average car and I wonder how they squeeze in larh. I'm definitely not implying that they are FAT okay..
Very Soon, we reached Claire's house. Okay, not exactly her house. Her Grandmother's house which she was going to spent that night in after the party. And we went in and blablabla.. all the greetings to her family members, okay, there was only her grandma and grandpa.
Fast Forward to the part in the room. There was air-con so we wouldn't perspire. We had TONS of FUN and LAUGHTER! Her grandma acted as the teacher and we were her students and we called her CAI LAO SHI. Me and Carmen was like ' CAI LAO SHI ZAO AN' and den 'LAO SHI HAO, TONG XUE MEN HAO, WO MEN YI QI SHANG KE LIAO'. Den we played Blind mice when Zhou Er came. Even more LAUGHTER! You will understand if you noe Zhou Er.She could not catch us for like half an hour larh. OMIGOSH! SO FUN! Damn funny and had peals of laughter.
I can't say anymore or I'll laugh like XIAO! All I hav said was only 1/2 of my story. I can't go any longer or my hand will die of aching. Just FYI, Grace, ShanYi and Nadya came too. Oh, and YuQing if you wan to noe.. Mrs Ho came wif her daughter. Her husband alighted them den left, den came back 20 minutes later to pick them up for their dinner or something. U noe Mrs Ho dresses so formally even when she goes out..) Had sore Throat after dat at nite cuz to much thing happened in the afternoon. If you wan to noe more, talk to me in school and I'll spend 1 hour telling you the WHOLE STORY. And now, GAGS, JUST FOR LAUGHS. Picture Time!~~(dere's two photos my lips were darker becuz... I was a Vampire! Just kidding. Becuz I drank too much F&N Grape tats why. HaHas:) Enjoy the pics.!(Zhou Er wore so revealing larh.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 • 2:34 AM

Today our class went to the field to catch animals, mostly consisting of insects...creepy crawlies. Went to find grasshoppers wif Shanice and ShanYi. Had luck and almost as soon we had found a grasshopper, not the small one. Much bigger. Covered it with the leftover cap from our terrarium. Waited for Sze Lei to bring down the large container, big enough for a fish tank la. Inside the BIG container, have rotting logs, leaves and bla bla bla. So we threw in some leaves and all the 5 grasshoppers we found. Had spiders(i think) and tiger moth too. Went back to class.(Mrs Ho was carrying umbrella under the hot sun and we were without one.) Guess wat : Mrs Ho put me in charge of the BIG container. Guess wat again : She put Yun Ying to be in charge wif me.. Omigosh. NVM. Back in the classroom, we had to do our maths 1.9 on area and perimeter of circles. Yun Ying kept opening the lid and den i had to help her catch the insect back about two times because when the lid was opened, the insects kept flying out. and den halfway through I was doing my maths, Yun Ying dunno for wat I think to catch insect la den go outside den dunno how but she fell down. Den the WHOLE(almost) class RUSHED(not exaggerating) out of the classroom to see wat happened and Yun Ying was on the ground outside the classroom liao. So crowded so I dint go out and be Keh-Po. I asked YiChen(one of the Keh-POs) is Yun Ying crying den she said yes. Yun Ying fall down den knock her knee on dunno wat. Mrs Ho came back from the washroom and saw the whole class outside den was like ::SHOCKED:: den she asked the whole class go back in and continue doing the maths. By the time Yun Ying come back in, she looked so happy den I looked at YiChen and was like 'Huh? Dint you say she was crying' den YiChen was like 'she was'. Den I continued doing my maths den teacher say wan to bring us to the Art Room den when I was packing my bag, Guess wat Yun Ying showed me.. a baby LIZARD. I was like OMIGOSH! she like dat also catch leh.Den I helped her open the lid den she knocked the lizard into the BIG container. ::::Fast Forward:::: After lunch, Shanice and I went to the field to catch some more insects. Oh, not forgetting JiaLing, Shervyn and Sherzanne. So many insects when we went to the nearer part to the PIE and I SCREAMED like XIAO. Dont believe, you can ask Shanice bout it cuz JiaLing went off to do wif her group, her group project liao. I chased the butterfly like XIAO. Den when it came overhead me I screamed and den automatically squat down to the grass and put my hands over my head as if got bomb. Execuse-me, I was ::SHOCKED:: and ::STUNNED:: okay..

Sigh* too tired to type liao. Biies<3 =Mindy:D=

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 • 5:31 AM

My Chinese Oral is so LAN!
Ahhhh! I wan 2 die liao.
郭老师 say our oral not very good and den she started her talk again about wat she try so hard to revise wif us oral for the past week and yet we dont .......................and off she go talking again.
I think i'm going to fail my oral and yet I don't think i did so badly rite??
Anyway, after oral, Sze Lei and I 2nd and 3rd being tested for english oral so very fast can go off liao. But we still had to wait for Claire, Shan Yi, Sarah, Hilda and Shanice to finish their oral becuz we all going Claire's house after oral to do the 'terrarium' thing.(Only Claire and the rest who went together would know what I mean by 'terrarium'.) Nope. Ur wrong cuz we dint lie. We DID work on the 'terrarium'. Kays never mind bout that. We had lots of fun and laughter during lunch-Claire's maid cooked the spaghetti so delicious larh! The french fries was so nice too! Feel like eating it again..Kay, lets not let our mind wander off again. Look, CONCENTRATE. As I was saying, we were actually laughing bout a girl named EILEEN. Don't ask me who is it. You know, you know it. You don't know it, you don't know it. We laughed until like XIAO larh. Dunno if Claire's mum and sister think we XIAO wan.. Had so much fun*. Wished can hav as much fun everyday! Went home at 3.30PM wif Shanni and SL, took MRT. Reached Tampines MRT station twenty minutes later but i was too tired and exhausted so went to the bus interchange to take bus 293 home. Actually I can walk home wan cuz I stay near but too lazy as too tired and exhausted as I said. Reached home at around 4.30 like dat. Den went to bathe den i dunno wat i did after dat larh..


Friday, April 17, 2009 • 1:56 AM

Tmrw is P6 Oral liao.
Tmrw, Sat, 18 April 2009.
Tmrw, will hav to sit for eng and chi oral.
Tmrw, my, my.
But one thing good, I will be the third to be tested.
Not because hav PA CCA but becuz I am the third in E5.
But in C4(i think is 4), Chi, I will be 2nd, LAST NOT FIRST.
So sad but chinese will be tested first so yeah! becuz after the second session, eng, I can go home liao.
Wish me good luck for tmrw please especially for chinese cuz my chinese so LAN.
Wish Wish Wish..


Wednesday, April 15, 2009 • 5:34 AM

Happy Birthday Hilda!
I dint forget ur birthday!
Like of course!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday and lots of prezzies.
Sorry for not giving you ur prezzie today because I forgot to bring to school.
Will bring ur prezzie tmrw!
Wish me good luck for remembering to bring it!
Happy Birthday!


Saturday, April 11, 2009 • 9:08 PM

Hi Gals!
I promised to show you Ben Jerry and I would!
Oh, but I only have two pictures of Ben Jerry so.. Enjoy!
Even though there's only two pictures, but they are two very adorable pictures of BJ!
I'm telling you it is so cute! Oh, and surry if you are not able to see it clearly becuz it is in the cage.



Thursday, April 9, 2009 • 1:19 AM

Annoying P4s go feed Ben Jerry ERASER DUST.
Do you noe that BJ could die from eating too much dirty and unhygienic THINGS?
I it is OBVIOUS the P4s so DO NOT noe that larh.
I feel so sad for BJ. It's not even a month old and it is SUFFERING all because of the P4s fault.
It must be feeling so awful inside.
Poor BJ.
I went to see BJ just now in class and it seems sick, unwell and exhausted.
Mrs Ho said dat she's going to confront them.
Just hope the P4s realized their MISTAKE which they will sure say 'i didn't!' and 'not me!' and in the end BJ STILL has to SUFFER.
Never mind bout dat.
Just now during PC lesson, Mrs Naren asked us to pair up and write on a piece of paper the strength and weaknesses our partner has.
Paired up wif YiChen and den we wrote each others' strength and weaknesses.
The best part was the weaknesses part.
When she asked Zhao Xuan to read out her weaknesses part, Zhao Xuan said " like to beat people " and Mrs Naren was like so SHOCKED and when she asked Hilda to read hers out, she said that under the weaknesses part was " like to beat people " and Mrs Naren was like SHOCKED again and said our class alot of people like to beat people. But after dat, she understood dat the way we beat people was like play play only.
She thought we really go PUNCH and beat people up.
Omigosh! I mean why would she think we would PUNCH others??
Then Yun Ying looked so sad like dat den YiChen and I saw den she came over and said " I wrote for Eileen her strengths and weaknesses but she didn't write for me.".
Omigosh! How could she larh! Eileen so bad one leh.
Yun Ying help her write her strengths and weakness and she didn't even write for her larh!
So YiChen and I decided to helped Yun Ying write her weaknesses and strengths and we wrote her strengths more than her weaknesses so that she would be happy. Then I gave the paper to Yun Ying when we finished completing. She looked so much better after that.
During supplementary, we went into our groups to do the science experiment thingy.
Because we had to do wif our previous group, Eileen was in our group.
So sian larh.
The rest of my group members included Sarah, Valencia and Grace.
Then u noe wat?
Eileen cried like two times in 1 hour larh!
I won't tell you why she cried but she did.
And I didn't even mention yesterday's incident larh.
She cried 1 time in the computer lab room and when we went back to class and she wanted to ask Mrs Ho something and Mrs Ho kind of scolded her, she cried again.
That means in a total of 2(TWO) days, she cried 4(FOUR) times in school.
Luckily because she cannot see the board properly and Mrs Ho changed her seat, I did not need to seat wif her anymore.
But unfortunately, Yun Ying must suffer wif her.
Some of you may think it is good but i'm telling you it isn't any better.
Why? Because last year, when Yun Ying sat wif Eileen and we thought it was the greatest idea ever, we were wrong.
Eileen pinched and hit Yun Ying when she sat wif her.
Yun Ying, at that time and now, I feel is actually quite poor thing.
I asked Eileen why she liked to pinch and hit Yun Ying, she said because Yun Ying hit her first.
But it is quiet understandable that Yun Ying can be a little rough sometimes, but whoever that sat wif her did not really kena, only Eileen, and I think I noe why.
Because first thing, Eileen did not treat Yun Ying well and that is of course why Yun Ying doesn't like her and hit her and I feel that she would not hit Eileen hard.
But i'm sure Eileen could hit Yun Ying hard when she wants to.
Because Eileen cannot tolerate her.
I know that because I sat wif Yun Ying b4 and she did not hit me.
She was only lazy and dirty but she did not hit me at all.
I told Eileen to tolerate Yun Ying, but she said it wasn't easy to.
I guess Eileen just didn't want to try.
Okay, enough talk about Eileen because stories of Eileen would NEVER have an ending AT ALL.
Will post pictures of Ben Jerry (BJ) soon!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009 • 2:54 AM

We have a class pet!
Yeah, a pet HAMSTER!
This is its profile :

Name :
Ben Jerry, otherwise known as BJ.
Age : less than a month old on 7th April.
'owners' : Mrs Ho and 6Frangi<3
Home : back of 6Frangi classroom.
In a PINK cage.
Has all it needs.
(Will show you the picture of it in my later blog entries.)
Description : Has fur. (like de-er.)
Luvs eating.
So cute when it sleeps.
Ben Jerry is supposed to be able to produce ice-cream but it can't unfortunately.


Me, Myself & i!


29 March ♥
single (JUSTIN!!!)
i ♥ cliques,friends,ppl who ♥ miie


{♥}shop till th end!
{♥}more bagggs
{♥}new shoes
{♥}change hairstyle
{♥}change phone
{♥}more clothes
{♥}an awesome teddy♥
{♥}whole collection of teddies♥



CCA`Percussion Band♥
MemoPad`SzeLei♥ {thers much more, im jus wastin tym }

Myself ★`Mindyyy♥

Crappy craps



Do not remove the credit :D
Designer : Irisris-loveeIrisWong x o x o