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Thursday, June 25, 2009 • 2:04 AM

hey gals.
i luv the commercial on the walk-in closet thing.
it's so cool!
i wan to hav that in future.
when they hav the voting for the commercials thing, please vote for that..
it's so damn hilarious.
gags, just for laughs..

Saturday, June 13, 2009 • 3:08 AM

Hey my dear fiends,
sorry for not posting for long cos' i was not free.
kay, to tell the truth, i was actually at camp.
but now i am posting bout camp.
so have a sleep before reading this post becuz it will be totally exciting and so i dont wan u falling asleep during this blog entry or you'll be sorry, friend.
okay i was just kidding alright, so... sit up straight and do not allow your eyes to leave the screen..
now, this super-teen camp(not a school camp, a camp for learning skills and techniques to succeed in ...) was in the YMCA Metropolitan Hotel and it was 5 days 4 nights.
the first day was totally interesting. guess wat?
my cousin appeared in the camp and i was like shocked?
SO QIAO larh.
it was so exciting especially the COE(challenge of excellence) part. the first night we slept at 1.30am, second night-2.30am, third night-3.45am and the fourth night which is the last night, we slept at.. guess wat time?
And all 4 days we must wake up at 7.15AM. Xiao rite? So little hours of sleep. Only last day can wake up at 8am cuz the previous night like i told you we only slept at around 5.30am. So tired.
Each hotel room got 3 ppl..(12, 14 and 16 yrs old to help look after one another). girls and boys separate rooms. so my room mates are Ying Ting(14yrs old) and Beverly(16yrs old).
must be at the 1st floor carpark for COE by 8am. Two times me and Ying Ting were late by like 1 minute? and we MUST do Push Ups like hell. tiring seh.
Den got to do warm up which included crunches and up-downs.
Worst thing> must do Jumping jacks, 4 counts of 4, and if any one person never do properly or overshot(accidentally do extra) hor, all the campers must do another set. den keep adding till 12 counts of 4 when ppl keep doing extra.
Worst worst thing ever> must do wat BUDDHA CLAP(straighten arms to each side den clap arms together like BUDDHA above head) continuously for 8 counts of 4, den do it while singing SLOWLY twinkle twinkle little star, Ba Ba Black Sheep and one weird song. i tell you my hands wan to die lorh. I was freaking out. kay then we did other exercises and then we started on the COE. some people must sit on the scaffolding and all the strong people(mostly all males) are the so-called 'supporters' and they will reach out their hands to support you when you fall. the freaking thing is that there is no harness, no nothing leh. you just have to balance yourself. means that you fall is your problem that you dint balance properly. you noe tis a bit freaky cuz all the males all reaching their hands out and then you want to fall that time they will have to support you lorh. you know.. Anyway, then you have to walk on something only 10cm wide and half a storey high, without a harness or anything. no rope, no nothing. just guys reaching out for you. i was like omigosh it was so weird and freaky. then there will be two resources(resources are like the facilitators) sitting on the scaffolding that is at the end of the 'thing' that you must walk on, one of them will stick out two fingers(i tell you the female resource her fingernail paint RED xia) and then the other resource will ask you loudly three things and you must answer loudly too.
First question: When life is shaky, what must you do?(wa lao i tell you, not only there is no harness, no nothing hor, they will also shake the 'thing' throughout and then too bad if you dint balance well, i was so scared larh.)
then you must answer: balance my life(loudly)

Second question was: Family or friends?(some toot people go say both and i was like 'what the hell?')
den you answer: Family(loudly)

Third question was: Study or Play?
den you answer: Study(loudly)

now, continue. kay, where was i at? alright. i was so scared that i held one of the guys' hands and i dun dare let go and guess wat the guy said?
he said: you sure you want to hold me?
and i was like errr.... den i let go. hahas:D it was damn funny. den i completed it liao lorh.
oh, and everyday we will have test for what we have learnt that day. the first test i flunked it larh. passing mark is 75% and none of the 68 people passed. haha, none leh. i only got like 30% larh. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha.
then the next COE thing we have to make our way from one scaffolding to the other on a ROPE. a rope. but there is one more rope higher for you to hold. so two rope in total. one on top of you and one you stand and make your way on. so scary. lucky this time i do got two females help support me and den not that freaky as before when only got the males there. but it was still scary larh. you noe the next part was like we had to walk about 2 storeys high again no nothing only that one trainer(on a harness tied to a rope, the rope held by a resource) will put his hand in front of you but you still no nothing, just that if you off-balance then he will grab you from behind. i was not that scared for this even though it is 2 storeys high but you feel safe at least with someone ready to catch you if you off-balance mah. then the best part was the water thing. the resources go collect water from somewhere and den tie it in a.. you know those kind of 'plastic bag' with a red or green string for you to tie that kind of 'plastic bag' and den they throw it and it will burst and you will get wet. worst worst thing, the two trainers will hold a water gun each, one super duper huge and a giant one and they will spray it at you. too bad if you're wearing white. hahas. den you have to climb up a BOARD, long enough to be a rectangular dining table. and they spray and throw water and it is so wet you would have no ides how to climb up. they split us up into two teems and the slowest team to climb over the board and to the other side of the board will have only one slice of fish and very little food for dinner(lunch got ice-cream leh, so delicious, i ,mean of course larh cuz everyday is buffet. hotel wat.) and you know hor, before it started already 8.30 and we only have dinner at 9+. but super fun. den you know i climb up i stand on one guy's HAND cuz it is so high and slippery you can't expect me to walk up a board right? then they will push you up the board and you must use all your strength and when you managed to reach the top, i tell you your 'that part' hor.. nvm. then two people at the other side will catch you and help you down at the other side. i slipped and they had to catch me and it was so omigosh. but i was one of the first to climb over. i mean i want to get over and hide behind the big long board cuz i dint want to get wet mah. den during i climbing that time, i got hit by the water 'bags' and the water gun. i was so wet(but i was counted as clean cuz only my top was wet. you know everyone else hair and whole body wet xia. gosh) and i was like omigod omigod omigod when all the water splashed at my back. but still, i was laughing after got over. my group finished way before the other group den we go help the other group but ended up getting even more WET. kay i skip the next part if not it will take forever so,... den we go bathe and den eat dinner and then bla bla bla.
the last night we did a skid and my group's one was so damn hilarious and den Dr Ernest Wong(the founder of this camp) said we were going to WASH CAR and jump into the hotel swimming pool(if you dont jump, they will push you in). We were supposed to wash the cars that were parked outside the hotel but Dr Ernest Wong told us a story and it was actually a ghost story(dunno whether true larh) den at the last part of the story, let me continue what her said at the last part.
he said: ..........and the women said.....my son is...................................YOU!!!!!! and we all screamed. SCREAMED as in SCREAMED and the lights went on and off, on and off.(just to scare us) i screamed and leaned on Cheyenne and den i was like omigosh! so sorry! cuz i was so scared and den my friend say i was pale. i mean, i was SHOCKED kay? SHOCKED! Gosh. den in the story he told us that when we go down to wash car later we MUST NEVER TOUCH THE ...something i forgot, is it a type of bush or flower larh. Just cannot touch or something unfortunate will happen. he also told us that last time when he brought a group of people to wash car and one boy touched the 'thing' and then for no reason, the boy's hand got stuck in the car. cuz in the story got one woman who.....nvm. he said that the time 'it' will come out is at 5 o'clock in the morning. and den we did this prayer thing in our own group. we must go to each person in the group and say a good thing about him/her. and den we MUST wear the camp T-Shirt cuz it will so-called protect us. But by den it was already 4.45am and it was too late to go down and wash car cuz by the time it will be 5am liao and 'it' will cum out. Shiver. So they debrief us and by then 5+ like that. So when we walking back to the hotel that time, cuz it is outside, then i was like don't touch anything, don't touch anything. okay, i was freaking out this time. cuz the hotel lift usually cum quite slow and so many people wan to take the first lift that cums so usually me and Ying Ting will race up the stairs(it was faster and we reached faster) but that night we dint dare to take the stairs alone cuz you know... den by the time we settled in to sleep, it was around 5.30am liao. so late and tired. and that night hor, we dint dare to switch off the lights when we slept at night. the next day we must wear the camp t-shirt for closing ceremony(where all the parents and families are invited to go) and before that, we had to stand on six 'heavy and strong type of chairs', not the plastic chairs, so it was quite high and when the guys stood up, their heads could actually touch the ceiling. and we had to face the other side and just fall backwards and pray hard the people supporting will catch you and den they catch you already they will throw you up in the air(and catch you, of course). how high they throw you depends on how heavy you are and how strong they are. of course, i was so light that you know what one of the guys said before they threw me up in the air?
he said: wah this one so light sure can throw very high one!
and i was praying hard please dont throw so high, i do not want to touch the ceiling.
but WOW guess wat? i ALMOST did touch the ceiling and not only that, that threw me up TWO TIMES. But they did that for everyone else too larh.
and then the closing ceremony.. all the goodbyes and crying(i teared alot of times during the camp, it was just SO touching).
alright actually there is more to it than i've said but i can't go on any longer. my hands are tired. talk to me, it's faster to tell than to type and there can be actions and expressions when i tell you in the face. so, hahas:D
See ya!
i luv the camp and all the super-teens!
good luck in the future!
muacks<3 style="font-style: italic;">super-teens

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 • 12:12 AM

Yo People!
nothing to say today other than a boring chinese supp today. Only the activities like the coin game was fun. The rest was like... NVM. You noe the teacher look and sound like Mrs YaYaPaPaYA. It's okay if you dunno who I'm talking bout.. no offense kay. I'm not saying YOU. I'm just stating a fact kay.. So dun bother bout it kay? Nothing interesting has happened anyway.. dots.

Me, Myself & i!


29 March ♥
single (JUSTIN!!!)
i ♥ cliques,friends,ppl who ♥ miie


{♥}shop till th end!
{♥}more bagggs
{♥}new shoes
{♥}change hairstyle
{♥}change phone
{♥}more clothes
{♥}an awesome teddy♥
{♥}whole collection of teddies♥



CCA`Percussion Band♥
MemoPad`SzeLei♥ {thers much more, im jus wastin tym }

Myself ★`Mindyyy♥

Crappy craps



Do not remove the credit :D
Designer : Irisris-loveeIrisWong x o x o