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Tuesday, November 24, 2009 • 1:39 AM


Ello Guys, will be posting the pics I took during the class party soon! RECAP : WENT TO CLASS CHALET ON FRIDAY, 20TH NOVEMBER 2009 AFTER THANKSGIVING AND HAD LOADS OF FUN! Bonding session was nice and touching and meaningful and FUN!

Will post soon!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009 • 12:48 AM

PSLE results will be released in 9 days time! Anxiety! lol:P Cant wait to see how I scored but also a little scared. hahas(= Thanksgiving is CRAP. Gawd. I think i'll class is the worst of all la. Every class the dance so nice la. only i'll class the dance sucks. kay dun get me wrong, im not saying the dancers suck but im just saying the type of dance SUCKS. I cant believe MH had us do CLASSICAL DANCE. Gawd, Oh Gawd. And den sing wad OVER THE RAINBOW, so diu lian la. Sure ppl like E.T.S.H and ZHOUEY sure sing out of tune la. and den how loud can we sing when the piano is played at a high tune... It's like, WTH?! Thanksgiving really sucks kay. Im not exaggerating, but isn't thanksgiving supposed to be thanking one another? Thanking someone the easiest way is to just say "Thank You So Much For Everything", isnt it? Gawd. How den, can a thanksgiving turn out into a DISASTER?! I cant believe our class is the worst la. Our ideas totally suck okay? Hais. I really felt like digging a hole in the ground and hide myself on Monday. Everything went WRONG. NOTHING came out RIGHT. And MH wasnt even there to give us support or anything la. But even if she were there, she will be soo diu lian and start scolding again la.. NO. It would be a bad idea if she did go to the hall and see us flunk the whole performance la. Not tht i dun like the acting part, but I think the skit is boring la. I only like the meaningful words like 'friendship blah blah blah... and treasure our friendship.." and the slideshow.. I thought it was great even though i dint really saw it. lol. hahas. But i'm sure i'll miss everyone after we leave school. Hais. I think the best year i've ever had in Primary school is P6 cuz we spent more times together and have soo much fun after PSLE and I think it's kinda becuz we've had soo many friendships in the 6 years so we treasure this one alot. I really luh-v 6Frangi..

I'll miss u guys... Hope we'll keep in touch! We shld hav ah-lot of gatherings together and hope you can attend the class party! We need to BOND! lol:P But seriously, I really HOPE YOU ALL CAN GO TO OUR CLASS PARTY ON FRIDAY, 20TH NOVEMBER, most probably after thanksgiving and den we can sort of ENJOY after the damn thanksgiving crap. YEAH! I cant wait for FRIDAY! But I dun want Friday to end EITHER. It will mean tht we will hav to part... But it will be more saddening on 26NOVEMBER cuz we will hav to OFFICIALLY PART, even tough we shld meet up after PSLE. YAY! I luh-v u guys! I miss you too! Muacks<3 width="425" height="344">

Sunday, November 15, 2009 • 11:50 PM

Cant say much for now, but just wanna let ya noe, GUESS WAD?! I just called the class tee guy and den i asked him if it was possible to collect the tees tmrw and GUESS WAD again?! He said YES! yay me! too genius! lol:P Think i'll post another time! biie!


Thursday, November 12, 2009 • 8:16 PM

Ello Guys, just wanted to leave a message before I go offline. Sorry for not posting for a few days, but it's getting stressful becuz of the thanksgiving preparation. Ugh. I dun think PSLE was this stressful but, hais, thanksgiving has so much preparation to do and everything has to go in order for thanksgiving next friday! Gawd. Tht's just 7 days away! I think tht our class's thanksgiving item is very boring. I only like the dance part. the skit is soo boring cuz we have alot of pauses in between and hesitation sometimes. I think the other classes are doing well other than us. But we cant fail MH cuz she has high expectations for everything. She wants our class to be soo good so tht as she said before, the best classes get to perform their thanksgiving item first. She will feel so embarrassed if we are one of the last classes to perform. Anyway, the class tee is also another problem as it has to be be ready BY WEDNESDAY, 18TH NOVEMBER so tht we can give out to our whole class on thursday so dat everyone can wear it on Friday which is already THANKSGIVING and the last day of school. Ugh. How I will miss everyone! i luh-v our class except some ppl like u noe.. E.T.S.H. Not to mention tht yesterday I pasted the mini toons scotchtape sticker on her bag. Cheryl tried to paste too. but she found out bout hers. luckily she dint see the one i pasted on her bag..YET. I wonder if she tore it out yet not.. or has she not find out bout it? Ha! I'll noe on MONDAY! Now i wan to go to school everyday cuz even though it's quite boring, it's FUN! Still remember I used to dread going to school before PSLE and thanksgiving. now I luh-v going to school cuz can play everyday. hahas(= I guess I hav to stop now. I'll miss u all! Will continue blogging after we part! Dun forget tht we haven't taken our PSLE results so we still have a chance of getting into the same school! But for now, I'll miss u guys lots<3


Monday, November 9, 2009 • 11:03 PM

Ello Guys,
Today we did the ms chew video. it was so weird but funny. when we were about to start, the video camera the red light came on and then suddenly got music somemore den i was like wah, got music somemore den after that the mr dunno wad fish outhis handphone and den scold dunno wad into the phone la. lol. the music came from his phone la. den when we finally started the video recording, halfway through mrs ho was so wirked up and i was like did we do smthin wrong. den when the video recording ended, mrs ho was like soo damn worked up and den she told us tht Yun Ying hold the E the other way round and we were like OMG we hav to redo the whole thing la. den this time MH ask Audrey to stand at the back row and put up her hands in the letter U. Poor Audrey. okayys now ::FAST FOWARD:: We went to Saint Pauls room to practice the thanksgiving la. den near the end of it, when the dance group people were doing the dance, Sze Lei and I joined in wif them but dint do much la cuz got quite a number of stunts. Anyways, Sze lei n i are going to stay back tmrw to dance wif the dance group people to dance till 4pm. hahas. lol. sorry cant talk liao. need to help Gheryl to do the rainbow thing la. Hais. dun noe why she dragged me into this. Hais. poor carisa too. have to help Gheryl to do the rainbow when she's not even part of the committee to do. poor thing too.


Sunday, November 8, 2009 • 11:59 PM

Just wanna tell you more about Mr Muffins. This poem is dedicated to Ahem.. Mr muffins of course!

He came today to 6FR
not as normal as he is
he brought along some 2 muffins
that looked brown, yummy but eeky
i cant believe he ate it down
although he left some bit of it
i wanted to throw it away
but Mr Muffins say no way
so now i wanna tell you this
to stay further from Mr Muffins!


Mr Muffins was actually Father Chan who retired at 8am on 9th November 2009 as he was
traumatized by the fact that Nun Tay does not even exist! He had been hallucinating all along! Poor Old thing.


10:52 PM

Guess wad? Today Sze Lei and I gave out small gifts for everyone! Yay us! LOL:P Den after that Yi Chen gave out the cards she made for everyone. She actually made 20+ only but i kinda forced her to make for EVERYONE including stingy kia su EILEEN TNG. hahas:D But before assembly when Yi Chen reached school that time hor, Yi Chen was like telling me she forgot to make three cards and think and count hor, she dint miss out anything wad. den she count AGIAN hor, den she say it's correct. WTH. Make us so jing zhang too la. Yi Chen is such a weird person but the card was nice(= so thank you Yi Chen! den after dat, guess wad again?(i mean after assembly) Mrs Lim came to our class and asked ME to go and look for Mrs Chong Hoon Hoon la. Den I went to her classroom den nobody inside. Den I ran back up the stairs and den guess wad again? She asked me go Comp. Lab 2. So I ran down the stairs to Comp. Lab 2 and there wasn't anybody too. And guess wad? she asked me go to STAFF ROOM TWO. I heard correctly staff room TWO. So I ran down to Staff room too and there wasn't anybody EITHER. Ugh. So I ran back up as usual and told her there's nobody in Staff Room TWO. Den she say she told me go staff room ONE. and I was like WTH? I heard her say staff room TWO lorh. Anyway, when I was just about to reach the classroom door when I was returning to class, I say GHERYL CHAN walking to class. AND IT WAS ALREADY 7 smthing going to 8. GAWD. I knew what she was going to say and she really did say : "I woke up at 7.30." I knew it she overslept. HA-HA GHERYL. =) AND SHE BROUGHT .... MUFFINS?! TO SCHOOL. GAWD. Today was a long day but it was quite fun after we took the english test in the computer lab and went back to class. I performed several Magic Tricks which all did not work at all until towards the end, (Athena was my assistant)but only the last magic trick was enuf to make people 1/4 dumbfounded. HA-HA. Actually it dint cuz it was quite obvious how we managed to do it such that it looked like MAGIC.
Ehmagawd I cant type any longer liao. Needa go! Biie! Will write soon! MOST PROBABLY TMRW!


Friday, November 6, 2009 • 11:44 PM

Ello guys (=
I'm starting to make it a point to post everyday now cuz i've not been posting much. Anyway, Yesterday i went to Tampines Mall to visit 'Art Serve' cuz we're thinking of making a class tee. I called Sze Lei at first cuz i couldn't get through Sarah and I cant find the store. Den after a while, sze lei called me and told me she was coming and i was like SHOCKED den she called and say another time she was REALLY COMING. anyway. den she really did come la. she came wif her sister but that's not the point. the point is, we settled on a design but den when i called shan yi she said that MH knew someone who can make class tees so we decided to call off the idea. and now it is like so complicated la. but den SL and I den decided again tht we'll buy smthing for each of us and den hais. so confusing rite? i think that hor, PSLE was not as stressful la. and I also think that Prelims were more stressful and more u noe, u get that feeling of fear tht prelims are going to be so difficult and there is a huge possibility that you may fail. but then PSLE is soo not the same la. PSLE is like sure easier then Prelims lorh. den we take the exam is not as stressful liao. whatever it is, i still think the days after PSLE is worst than the EXAM PSLE. Ehmagawd. I'm bragging. But i cant help it. Anyway, I kind of like the Reflection day programme thingy. it's so fun la. Especially the games lorh. I luv the game where we got the wad lighthouse and den the man overboard and the eat ur dunno wad thingy tht game. It was soo fun! I wish we could play tht game again. Carmen was like soo excited and den when we not enuf people for one part of it, we will just pull some random person from BO and den when next round came, we dun need the BO person and den we just tell them dun need you liao or we got enuf prople liao, smthing like that la. So bad rite? but we cant help it. Ooops. (= Soo Fun!

BTW, Yi Hsuan going off on Sunday then on Friday, we all say goodbiie to her den it was so sad.
she even cried when everyone hugged her goodbiie.

I'll continue next time^_^


2:19 AM

This poem is dedicated to Father Chan.

Father Chan is a weird weird guy who roams the bins at night
He eats all things both rats and bugs and scares the hell out of humans
He'll dye his hair both pink and red to deny that he's growing old
But people sees him as an old hag and spits at him when they walk by
haha Father Chan, You're an old hag
Ha ha ha ha Mua ha ha

I'll continue another time(=


1:55 AM

This is random okay but if u r looking for a priest or a fortune teller, just look for Father Chan :
Age : 99
Lives in : Bedok
Headquarters : S A C P S RUBBISH CHUTE
(he'll always be at the headquarters)

He's poor in his calculation and is very inexperience.
just take pity on him and look for him when u need to. (remember the HQ is at S A C P S RUBBISH CHUTE)


Thursday, November 5, 2009 • 11:00 PM

Hello Gals,
long time haven't post liao. (= Sorry. So busy after PSLE la. thanksgiving den miss chew den old folks home den .. hais. Worse den PSLE. Much more stressful. Although now can have fun any time! Ha-ha. Anyways, im gonna post all the things that i needa post since a long time ago. So many pics! Hais, which one should i post first? Let's see, hmmm.. I dunno wad to post leh. 4get it. i'll post the pics next time! lol:P BTW, do remember to visit ur homes, those S H I T S out dere!


Me, Myself & i!


29 March ♥
single (JUSTIN!!!)
i ♥ cliques,friends,ppl who ♥ miie


{♥}shop till th end!
{♥}more bagggs
{♥}new shoes
{♥}change hairstyle
{♥}change phone
{♥}more clothes
{♥}an awesome teddy♥
{♥}whole collection of teddies♥



CCA`Percussion Band♥
MemoPad`SzeLei♥ {thers much more, im jus wastin tym }

Myself ★`Mindyyy♥

Crappy craps



Do not remove the credit :D
Designer : Irisris-loveeIrisWong x o x o