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Wednesday, April 21, 2010 • 5:42 AM

Just had 5 items lyke on Monday and now still muscle ache. my arm only la. cuz of incline pull-up dats why. i think i did less than last year. so sad. cuz so tired and sweaty la. where got energy do pull-up? lawl. michelle disaster sad. she wanted to do 40... but... aiya how explain la. sigh. i only did 20.. so little rite. sigh. at least its an {A}. desperate la. sit-ups i nvr did so much b4. but actually could do more one but... aiya complicated la. so i only got 51. now stomach muscle also a bit aching la. lawl. i hate standing board jump. lan lyke hell la. cant jump. i dun noe why la just it's a disaster. sigh. sit and reach even more disastrous. i cant stretch for nuts. leg got prob. la. most prob. maybe i smthing wrong la. haha. lawl. but shuttle run not too bad la. just that i think that Mr.L is bias. even a lot of ppl say so too. anyway.. my timing was 10.06. i think could do better la. better better better!!! ACHE ACHE ACHE. Friday still got 2.4 sigh. i need do much better xia. I wanna get lyke 12mins+... normal practice so hot in the sun walau run wad shit. crap la. The best I had so far was 13:38 MINS. Slow rite? i noe. but still {A} la. not too bad. but i want a 12+ at least. pls. pls. pls. pls. pls say i can get one... haha. lawl. must be persistent on 2.4 KM RUN that day. Dun ever ever ever bother to stop during the whole run. since anyway i nvr stop during the 2.4 run practice.. throughout i nvr stop one la. Tiring but mus hav steminer... JIA YOU!!! ugh. dread Friday. SIGH.


Saturday, April 10, 2010 • 12:07 AM

Todae had PB.
OMFG guess what happened?
When we were lyke standing up getting ready to go get Samba instruments, Su lao shi (miie chinese teacher and PB teacher in charge) told us she had an announcement to make. And so we sat down in front of her again. and guess wad??????????????????????????? She said that PB and Choir going Laos in August for performance!!!!!!!! And sort of celebrate national day dere too la. haha. lol. But still. Laos!!!! Okay, not that im overexcited about Laos okay. Its just that we're going overseas!!! Out of Singapore!!! OMFG. Perrrfectttt. Cant believe it xia. Percussion Band and Choir!! You noe everyone was like soo excited and den annabelle so emo and crappish xia. She said he dun wan go Laos. and I was like WTH? Such an oppurtunity she wanna miss?? She somemore say she wanna play strokes all thru her life xia. WTH?? People say Strokes is borrinnggg and she wans to play strokes forever? I was like IGNORE HER to Jamie. lol! But the trip is not confirmed yet la. But i hope its confirmed xia. Seriously though. Laos is such a small country, but compared to Singapore... It is a poor country. okay. im not despising Laos as a poor country, im just saying. Soo dun come after miie if you feel offended. :( Sorry. I was just stating... NEway, August is soo far away... Soo super longg time away la. I can't believe it. Wy cant Singapore be like founded in May or smthing... den it wont seem longg away wad. haha. lol. but its not. hais. sigh**.But i can guarantee you that if this trip is cancelled, the whole band except for annabelle, will be sooo supperrr disappointed la. i can tell one. Cuz everyone was soo excited when they heard the news... But i dint expect Choir to be following us... haha. lol. Wish that this time, time flies past very very very very very very very very very quickly. INA BLINK OF AN EYE. Pls, time, pls live up to your name and fly past quickly... now..... i beggg you.... Ugh. not working.... 4GET it . I'll just wait and not think about it that much. After all, when June Holiday comes, that one month, will confirm past very quickly one. Holiday always pass quickly wad... den once that one month holiday past, one more month or so, August will reach!!! YAY!!!! I just hope now, that April, May and July will pass very quickly. As quick as ... i dunno.... FAST AND QUICKLY CAN LIAO LA! Go TIME!!!! I support you!!!


Thursday, April 8, 2010 • 2:10 AM

todae was a super duper tiring day - cross my heart, im not joking.
firstly, we had music first thing in the morning.omg.
dats not the point alright, but cuz ah-lot of people dint practice the music piece (stand by me) and nvr bother to memorise the score either. I like play it everyday until i got soo super boreddd. okay. not the point either. the point is, whenever i started to put on the headphone to play, michelle would call me. fine, i go help her wif the music score thingy and all. alright then i try to put on my headphones again, natalie called me. fine, jus help one more person nvr mind rite? okay, i help her the notes and the fingering thing and the keys and all. den i go back to try and put on my headphones to start playing and den melissa called me. pissed man. so many people calling me. omfg. nvr mind. lend a helping hand mah, isnt that wad schools been teaching us to? so i help her. den when i turned to walk back to my seat again, michelle called me again!!! i cant believe my luck -- in a bad way...!!! okay. im soo not saying that i dun like helping people and if u r anyone related to this matter or if u even are michelle or natalie or melissa, im not implying that i dun wish to teach you wadsoever or i dun like u or i feel soo annoyed by ur ignorance or im soo sick of you asking me for help or anything else im implying, please. im not that mean kay. im not implying anything. jus saying only kay. so. music was over soon. den we had to hurry for ihg. ugh. omfg. ihg. the sound of it irks miie. i can stand ihg. i dun even like it. gawd, but i hav to still attend lesson rite? i cant play truant rite? NOOO. i cant so ya. but luckily is presentation day so no teaching -- kind of la i think. and den ya ya ya. lesson over. went for PE. okay actually it was a bit drizzling. i had actually wished it'll rain so ya. but it dint. jus light drizzle. very light drizzle. barely drizzling. den soon. very soon. no drizzle at all. sad. but even if it was still drizzling not that heavily, we still had to run so no difference la. we had to run 2.4 =.= ugh. run run run. I wanted to beat last week's record la. each week i needed to run faster and faster. omfg -- do u noe that miie class is soo super suckish at running? when i finish rite, half the class (or more) still had at least 1 round still to go. so yah. i kind of like just behind michelle by a few steps for almost the whole round?? okayy, i admit, she wasnt in the mood to run cuz if she was, she'd run as in run all the way liao. pls la. she is always first. she is like amazing when she runs so ya. but todae she was like kind of slacking la. not exactly but ya. i ran/jogged all the way. i dint stop at all. not that i wanted la. ever since we started practicing for 2.4, i dun stop at all as in at all when i run/jog. i cant. okay. not that i cant but i dun wish to. cuz if i ever stop, i wouldnt be able to keep my pace anymore. dunno why but ya. that's the case. too bad. so i was like panting profusely. nvr stop at all mah. of course pant la. aiya. after 6 long rounds, (miie class, 2.8 and 1.7) i finished second after michelle. not a wonder though. since she always finished first and im always after her. the only happy / good thing was that i beaten miie record!!! yay!!! even though only by 8 seconds, but still is record kay. i had ran 13:40 for 2.4 todae!!! soo proud of miie achievement. haha. lol. den had to go to the hall for 5 items. so tiring la. everything i cant do cuz too tired liao. no more effort liao. hais. everything else and the rest of the day was boringgg. hais. dun wan talk liao le. byue. post again tmrw kay???


Me, Myself & i!


29 March ♥
single (JUSTIN!!!)
i ♥ cliques,friends,ppl who ♥ miie


{♥}shop till th end!
{♥}more bagggs
{♥}new shoes
{♥}change hairstyle
{♥}change phone
{♥}more clothes
{♥}an awesome teddy♥
{♥}whole collection of teddies♥



CCA`Percussion Band♥
MemoPad`SzeLei♥ {thers much more, im jus wastin tym }

Myself ★`Mindyyy♥

Crappy craps



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Designer : Irisris-loveeIrisWong x o x o